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Camino Planner

Camino del Norte

Select one route

The Camino Planner is an interactive tool meant to allow you to generate several kinds of customized files (maps, elevation profiles, spreadsheets, web tables, pdf files and GPS files) containing different data regarding your future pilgrimage along any of the twenty currently available routes to Santiago: coordinates, distances, heights, villages, lodging facilities, stages, and even sun and moon calendar.

The first version of the Camino Planner appeared on May 4, 2003. So far, it has been used 436,573 times by's visitors.

As a first step, please click on the links below to select the route you want to travel by. If the route has variants, you will be asked to choose between them.

Choose your itinerary

Please, choose the section of the Camino del Norte that you would like to walk.

Starting and ending places of your journey Choose the starting place on the left-hand side and the ending place on the right-hand side. The cumulative distances are shown in the middle.
0 km
10 km
15.9 km
19.1 km
27.7 km
28.4 km
35 km
42.6 km
46 km
47.9 km
49.3 km
62.6 km
70.8 km
80.3 km
87 km
92.2 km
97.6 km
99.9 km
103.1 km
112.2 km
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120.6 km
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272 km
277.8 km
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488.8 km
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584.9 km
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641 km
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654 km
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671.9 km
684.8 km
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703.4 km
712.5 km
715 km
716.7 km
721.6 km
725.3 km
730.5 km
735.8 km
746.6 km
749 km
754.4 km
762.9 km
768.2 km
787.5 km
795.3 km
797.1 km
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828.5 km
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856.2 km
859 km
862.4 km
864.6 km
867.3 km
869.2 km
869.8 km
873.7 km
877.7 km
879.9 km
884.9 km
885.3 km
890.1 km
You can enter your name It will be used to customize the downloadable files.
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