Photo Gallery

Camino Aragonés

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There are currently 18 photo galleries containing 3572 different images. Enjoy them!

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1. French-Spanish border in Somport
2. Albergue Aysa, in Somport
3. Sculpture of pilgrim in Somport
4. Leaving Somport
5. The Way after Somport
6. Arriving in Candanchú
7. Ancient hospital of Santa Cristina
8. View over Candanchú
9. Leaving Candanchú
10. Flock of sheep near Candanchú
11. Road N-330 road down the Pyrenees
12. View over the Pyrenees after Candanchú (I)
13. View over the Pyrenees after Candanchú (II)
14. Ancient international railway station of Canfranc (I)
15. Ancient international railway station of Canfranc (II)
16. River Aragón near Canfranc
17. Street in Canfranc-Pueblo
18. "Pon Nou" over the River Aragón, in Canfranc
19. Hydropower station of Villanúa
20. Citadel of Jaca entrance door
21. Cathedral of Saint Peter, in Jaca: porch
22. Landscape after Jaca
23. Sculpture of Saint James the Apostle in Santa Cilia de Jaca
24. The Way after Santa Cilia de Jaca
25. Arriving in Arrés
26. Pilgrim hostel in Arrés
27. Panoramic view from Arrés
28. View over Berdún (I)
29. On the way to Martes
30. Flock of sheep near Martes
31. View over Berdún (II)
32. Cereal and badlands on the way to Mianos
33. Farm house near Mianos
34. View over Mianos
35. Arriving in Artieda
36. Panoramic view from Artieda
37. Sierra de Leyre
38. Fields, ravines and mountains
39. Ruined fortress in Ruesta
40. Reservoir of Yesa
41. Sunflowers and farm house
42. Roman road near Undués de Lerda
43. View over Undués de Lerda
44. Calle Mayor street in Sangüesa
45. Foz de Lumbier gorge (I)
46. Foz de Lumbier gorge (II)
47. Puente de las Cabras over the River Salazar, in Lumbier
48. View back over Lumbier
49. Church of Abínzano
50. On the way to Monreal
51. Arriving in Salinas de Ibargoiti
52. Medieval bridge over the River Elorz in Monreal
53. Church of Monreal
54. Pilgrim signs in Monreal
55. Otano
56. Arriving in Guerendiáin
57. Pilgrim signs on the way out of Guerendiáin
58. Pamplona in the distance
59. Ruined castle in Tiebas
60. Church of Tiebas
61. Panoramic view on the way out of Olcoz
62. Square in Eneriz
63. Arriving in Eunate
64. Romanesque chapel of Saint Mary of Eunate
65. Arches around the chapel of Eunate
66. On the way to Obanos
67. Fueros square in Obanos
68. Medieval bridge over the River Arga in Puente la Reina
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